How to Build Your High School Yearbook Online

For many generations, a yearbook has been the ideal way preserve a year full of momentous occasions, friendships, school involvement, and cherished moments. Your story is told mostly through photos, but the captions and special notations play a big supporting role in sharing the entire journey you experienced that school year.

School Yearbook
Preserve special classroom moments by creating your own yearbook.

What if there is no yearbook at your school that will preserve these memories? Fear-not, creating a yearbook is actually a fun and easy (yes, really- it is easy!) project that anyone can do, thanks to online digital software.

Whether you are an educator, a PTO mom looking for a project, or a student wanting to get creative with your memories, there are websites that can help you produce an amazing yearbook. The best part is you can create your yearbook for free on websites like and then share pages from them through email or social media. You can also choose to purchase copies of your professionally published yearbook to cherish for a lifetime.

So, it costs no money to try and it’s so easy, an elementary school class could create their own yearbook masterpiece? Yes! In fact, according to, Bookemon’s software really takes all the guesswork out of the layout and design process, offering 17 different yearbook templates to choose from and fun clipart to add to your pages.

Essentially, you make the yearbook in 5 easy steps:
1) Sign up for a free account.
2) Pick your yearbook template.
3) Upload the photos to the pages you select.
4) Upload your photo captions and any written notations.
5) Choose to add any clip art to the pages of your yearbook. It is simple!

The basic pages you may choose to create for your yearbook could include:
• Cover
• Introduction or dedication and index (pictures optional)
• Teachers
• Students
• Awards (pictures optional)
• Activities or Clubs (music programs, sports, field trips, prom)
• Photo (montage)
• Signature (pictures optional)

Here are a few creative yearbook ideas you can try:

  • Upload photos of everyone in your class, and let them write their own caption about who they are, and what their favorite things about the school year include.
  • Include photos from special dances, plays, concerts or field day activities. Remember to identify everyone in the photo so you remember these fun moments for a lifetime.
  • Include photos of the school staff and teachers and write a small caption about why they were the best, made people laugh, made a difference to the school, or were memorable.
  • Get signatures from every classmate (in dark ink) on a piece of paper. Scan the page and save it into a pdf file and then upload it as a cover page.
  • Create a favorite memory page and let classmates write a paragraph about their favorite moment or memory from the school year. Save in a word document to upload to the page and choose different fonts for each entry to make each truly unique.
  • Create a superlatives page where you share photos of classmates voted to be: “class clown”, “happiest attitude”, “most athletic”, and “most likely to … ” just for example. Add relatable clip art to make the pages extra fun!

School Yearbook
Include photos from sport activities, dances, drama club and anything that inspires a smile.

Creating your own yearbook is a creative and fun way to cherish the school year and the friendships made along the way. With free software that allows for endless possibilities to publish virtually any type of book, designing a professional-looking yearbook is now simple. Try it out for free today, and create a keepsake you will treasure for a lifetime.